Italian Pavilion 2016 - Peripheries in action

Immagine grafica per il progetto "Periferie in azione" del Padiglione Italia alla Biennale Architettura 2016

>> You are in the Section Italian Pavilion

As part of the proposal presented at the Italian Pavilion at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, Taking Care - Designing for the Common Good, curated by TAMassociati, the DGAAP (former acronym of the current Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture) supported the first civic crowdfunding project to act in the Italian peripheries.


For the first time, 5 associations strongly rooted in the Italian territory - AIB Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, Emergency Onlus, Legambiente onlus, LIBERA. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie (Associations, names and numbers against mafias) with ALTERECO and UISP Unione Italiana Sport Per Tutti - work together with determination with a common goal: to set up five mobile intervention units in peripheral areas.


In order to make their concrete and effective action, the devices become the protagonists of a civic crowdfunding campaign: a large-scale collective project to raise funds for the creation of a new society.


Peripheries in action - Press release
Peripheries in action - Brochure

Ultimo aggiornamento in data 11 October 2022