Italian Pavilion 2017 – Cecilia Alemani

Ritratto di Cecilia Alemani, curatrice del Padiglione Italia alla Biennale Arte 2017

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Cecilia Alemani è la curatrice del Padiglione Italia alla 57. Mostra Internazionale d’Arte della Biennale di Venezia.


Il nome di Cecilia Alemani è stato individuato al termine di una procedura di selezione a cui sono stati invitati a partecipare 10 nomi rappresentativi del panorama artistico nazionale. Il progetto è stato scelto dal Ministro Dario Franceschini nell’ambito della terna proposta dalla Direzione Generale. Il progetto di Alemani – ha detto Franceschini – è molto ambizioso e innovativo, allinea il Padiglione Italia alle più avanzate metodologie espositive e valorizza il grande ruolo degli artisti nella società contemporanea.


Cecilia Alemani is the director and chief curator of High Line Art, the public art program on the High Line in New York, presented by the non-profit organization Friends of the High Line. Since 2011, she has produced and shown the work of more than 200 international artists, with large site-specific installations, group exhibitions, performances, videos, billboards and murals, bringing them to an audience of approximately 7 million visitors annually. Since 2012 she has also been the curator of Frieze Projects, the non-profit section of Frieze New York.


Alemani has collaborated with many international museums, institutions and foundations including Tate Modern, MoMA PS1 and Palazzo Grassi, as well as pursuing less conventional initiatives in non-profit spaces and independent projects. From 2009 to 2010 she directed the experimental space X Initiative in New York. As an independent curator she has organized exhibitions in museums, galleries and non-profit spaces including Glee, Blum and Poe, Los Angeles (2011); The Comfort of Strangers, MoMA/PS1, New York (2010); Solaris, Gió Marconi Gallery, Milan (2009); ONLY CONNECT, Bloomberg Headquarters with Art in General, New York (2008); boundLES, New York (2007); and Things Fall Apart All Over Again, Artists Space, New York (2005).


Ten curatorial proposals were submitted to the Directorate-General, which managed the selection process. They were expressly asked to address the theme of the recovery of Italian artistic traditions as a guiding thread and source of inspiration for the present generations. Here are the names of the 10 curators invited: Cecilia Alemani, Diana Baldon, Lorenzo Benedetti, Chiara Bertola, Vincenzo de Bellis, Francesco Manacorda, Chiara Parisi, Allegra Pesenti, Alberto Salvadori and Marco Scotini.


The selection of the curators has been carried out by identifying personalities in the sector who in recent years have carried out significant activities not only in the field of curating contemporary art exhibitions but also in the field of scientific research. The choice was made taking into account the experience gained in the national and international field, also ensuring the presence of young and established professionals.

Ultimo aggiornamento in data 11 December 2023