>> You are in the Section Residence awards
>> You are in the Section International activities
>> Project Premi di residenza in Cina
The announcement for the third edition of Premio Shanghai 2017 will award six residencies to young artists of Italian and Chinese nationality. The initiative is promoted by IGAV - Istituto Garuzzo per le Arti Visive, by DGAAP (former acronym of the current Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture), by the Directorate-General for the Promotion of the Country System of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, with the Italian Cultural Institute of Shanghai, the Shanghai Promotion Center for City and Design (SPCCD) and the East China Normal University of Shanghai - School of Design (ECNU-SOD).
Ai vincitori del Premio sono assegnate sei residenze, tre in Cina per giovani artisti emergenti di nazionalità italiana e tre in Italia per giovani artisti emergenti di nazionalità cinese. Il concorso intende dare attuazione ai compiti istituzionali assegnati alle predette istituzioni, per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi riguardanti la formazione di giovani artisti e la promozione delle loro opere e progetti, nell’ambito di un proficuo e stimolante rapporto di collaborazione e di scambio culturale tra l’Italia e la Cina. Il bando è pubblicato sui siti web delle istituzioni promotrici.
The six winners, selected by two Commissions made up of experts in the sector representing the promoting organisations, will spend two months, starting in October 2017, in Shanghai and Torino respectively and, at the end, will present the projects realised during the residency, as part of dedicated exhibition events. The winners will be selected by two Commissions made up of experts in the sector representing the promoting organisations.
Application Deadline: 19 giugno 2017 ore 24.00 (ora italiana)
Premio Shanghai Ed. 3 – Com. stampa
Daniele Pio Marzorati, Alberto Tadiello and Matteo Valerio are the three Italian winners, chosen by the Italian Commission composed of Cristiana Perrella, Alida Moltedo and Massimiliano Tonelli. The Commission also deemed the following worthy of mention, in the following order: Fabio Roncato, Matteo Locci, Paolo Puddu, Caterina Silva, Alberto Scodro, Pamela Diamante. Following Alberto Tadiello's renouncement of the residence award, Fabio Roncato took his place, thus becoming a full-fledged winner.
Li Zhaopeng, Lu Yuyi and Fan Zhiye are the three Chinese winners, chosen by the Chinese Committee composed of Wei Shaonong, Ni Zhiqi and Zhang Yongjun. The Committee also deemed the following worthy of mention, in the following order: Zhang Zhenyan, Liu Xinyao, Bao Rong, Zhou Haoran, Sun Xiaoyu, Gu Tingting.
Ultimo aggiornamento in data 19 February 2025