Italian Pavilion 2018 - Arcipelago Scuola

Immagine-guida del programma di Biennale Educational per il Padiglione Italia alla Biennale Architettura 2018

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Arcipelago Scuola is a design marathon held from Wednesday 18 to Friday 20 July 2018 at the Sale d'Armi of Arsenale in Venice: 150 students, representing 26 Italian schools, collaborate with the aim of imagining new models, solutions and prototypes for the future of the places of Arcipelago Italia, the theme of the Italian Pavilion at the 2018 Biennale Architettura, curated by Mario Cucinella.


The programme of work and the themes of the design challenges of "Arcipelago Scuola" will be presented on Wednesday 18 July 2018 at 7 pm, again at the Sale d'Armi, in the presence of the institutions and promoting bodies. The results, with the proposals made by the students, will be illustrated at the end of the final day on 20 July, at 6.30 pm, an appointment also attended by the curator of the Italian Pavilion, Mario Cucinella.


Participating students are faced with the objective of generating creative solutions to the main challenges of architecture, starting from their knowledge of their local areas and cities. The project starts from them to give life to a training and sharing experience able to stimulate, through a methodology based on learning by doing, learning, initiative, creativity and collaborative work. The final day sees the presentation of the project proposals realised by the students.


The workshop is part of the Biennale Educational programme for the 2018 Biennale Architettura and is promoted by MIUR and MiBAC (former acronym of the Ministry of Culture), in collaboration with SOS - School of Sustainability.


Arcipelago Scuola – Program
Arcipelago Scuola – Press release 16.07.2018

Ultimo aggiornamento in data 11 October 2022