Premio Barcellona – 2d Edition

Immagine Premio Barcellona - Edizione 2

>> You are in the Section Residence awards
>> You are in the Section International activities
>> Project Premio Barcellona

The announcement of the second edition of Premio Barcellona offers the opportunity for two young Italian designers to spend a period of six months in Barcelona in order to deepen professionally the issues related to ecodesign. The award is promoted by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity, in agreement with the Directorate-General for the Promotion of the Country System of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and the Italian Cultural Institute of Barcelona, with the collaboration of ELISAVA (University School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona).


I designer vincitori, oltre all’attività in studi specializzati nelle tematiche previste dal bando, possono partecipare alle iniziative culturali organizzate dall’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Barcellona e dall’Istituto ELISAVA. Per la seconda edizione del Premio Barcellona verranno assegnate, a giudizio insindacabile della Commissione, due borse di studio di sei mesi che prevedono, oltre al biglietto aereo A/R per Barcellona dall’Italia e la copertura assicurativa, un assegno mensile di € 2.250,00 per vitto, alloggio e rimborso spese per le prestazioni presso uno studio specializzato nei temi del design sostenibile e a basso impatto ambientale.


Aspirants to the Barcelona Prize must:
a) be Italian citizens;
b) be born after 31 December 1984;
c) hold a Master's degree or single-cycle degree in Architecture (degree class LM04) or Design (degree class LM12), or a single-cycle or second-level academic diploma in Design, or an equivalent qualification recognised by the MIUR, or a post-graduate qualification (second-level Master's degree, Doctorate or equivalent) relating to Design issues;
d) have a proven design and research activity in the specific sector of sustainable and low impact design (ecodesign);
e) have an excellent knowledge of English and/or Spanish.


Deadline for applications: 11 November 2019


Premio Barcellona Ed. 2 – Bando
Premio Barcellona Ed. 2 – Allegato A




The two winners of the Premio Barcelona 2020 are Silvia Lacatena (Naples, 1987) and Magdalena Voegele (Lagundo, BZ, 1988). The two designers will have the opportunity to spend six months in Barcelona and work in an architecture and design studio specialised in sustainable and low impact design, in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute Barcelona and ELISAVA.


Evaluation Committee: Matteo Piccioni per la DGCC (funzionario storico dell’arte), Luca Brucculeri (designer) su nomina del MAECI and Albert Fuster i Martí, direttore accademico di ELISAVA.


Foto: Raffaella Mariniello, 2018, su gentile concessione dell’IIC Barcellona – MAECI

Ultimo aggiornamento in data 31 October 2023