Padiglione Italia 2024 – Luca Cerizza

Ritratto di Luca Cerizza - Foto di Daniel Gustav Cramer

>> You are in the Section Italian Pavilion

The Ministro della Cultura Gennaro Sangiuliano in data 3 ottobre 2023 nomina Luca Cerizza quale curatore del Padiglione Italia alla 60. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte – La Biennale di Venezia (dal 20 aprile al 24 novembre 2024) con il progetto Due qui / To Hear di Massimo Bartolini, che include contributi appositamente ideati da musiciste/i e scrittrici/scrittori.


The project submitted by Luca Cerizza was chosen by the Minister from the trio selected by the two-step open call Evaluation Committee and composed as follows: Luca Cerizza, with a project by Massimo Bartolini; Ilaria Gianni, with a project by Anna Franceschini; and Luca Lo Pinto, with a project by Invernomuto.




Luca Cerizza (Milan, 1969) is an art curator and writer. He lives in Turin and Milan.

Since 2006, he has been teaching Museology and Curatorial Studies at the master's degree program of NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts, Milan). Author of "Alighiero Boetti. Map" (Afterall, London 2008/Electa, Milan 2009) and "L'uccello e la piuma. La questione della leggerezza nell'arte italiana" (Et al. Edizioni, Milan 2010), Cerizza edited the anthology of critical texts by Tommaso Trini (Johan & Levi, Milan, 2016), and the most comprehensive monographs on Diego Perrone, Gianni Pettena (Mousse, Milan 2020) and Massimo Bartolini (NERO Editions, 2022, with Cristiana Perrella). Recent curatorial projects include the solo exhibitions of Tomàs Saraceno (Museo di Villa Croce, Genoa, 2014, with Ilaria Bonacossa), Kazuko Miyamoto (The Japan Foundation, Delhi, 2015), the solo exhibitions of Gianfranco Baruchello (Raven Row, London, 2017), Tino Sehgal (OGR, Turin, 2018), the exhibition Vincenzo Agnetti. NEG: Playing the Breaks (Padiglione de l'Esprit Nouveau, Bologna 2021/Fondazione Antonio Dalle Nogare, Bolzano 2022), and Massimo Bartolini. Hagoromo (Centro Pecci, Prato, 2022-23. With Elena Magini). With Zasha Colah, he curated Prabhakar Pachpute's solo exhibition (National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai, 2016), and the main exhibition of the third Pune Biennale (Pune, India, 2016).


Massimo Bartolini (Cecina, 1962) is a professor of visual arts at NABA in Milan and the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna. He lives and works in Cecina (LI).

He is one of the most internationally known Italian artists. Since 1993 he has exhibited on a variety of occasions in Italy and abroad. He has had numerous solo exhibitions at the Massimo De Carlo (Milan, since 1997), Frith Street (London, since 2002) and Magazzino (Rome, since 2002) galleries and in institutions such as Henry Moore Foundation (Leeds, 1996), PS1 (New York, 2001), Museum Abteiberg (Mönchengladbach, 2003), GAM (Turin, 2004), Museu Serralves (Porto, 2007), Ikon Gallery (Birmingham. 2007), The Fruitmarket Gallery (Edinburgh, 2013), SMAK (Ghent, 2013), Fondazione Merz (Turin, 2017). A recent retrospective exhibition took place at the Pecci Center for Contemporary Art (Prato, September 2022-May 2023). He has participated in major international exhibitions such as La Biennale di Venezia (1999, 2009, 2013), Manifesta 4 (Frankfurt, 2002), São Paulo Biennale (2004), Shanghai Biennale (2006 and 2012), International Triennale of Contemporary Art (Yokohama, 2011), Documenta 13 (Kassel, 2012), Yinchuan Biennal (China, 2018), Bangkok Biennal (2020).


Photos: Luca Cerizza © by Daniel Gustav Cramer / Italian Pavilion © by Giulio Squillacciotti - Courtesy La Biennale di Venezia / Massimo Bartolini © by Margherita Zazzero

Ultimo aggiornamento in data 8 February 2024